FAQs about Amber

Necklace Vs Bracelet / Anklet.

Quite commonly we receive enquires from buyers asking for advice on the type of Amber jewelry it is better to choose. Our recommendation varies as necklaces and bracelets have their own benefits.

For those who are buying Amber jewelry for teething purposes we suggest choosing from amber teething necklaces. The main reason for this is that Baltic Amber tends to provide the most anti-inflammation and pain relief benefits when it is closest to the pain area. For buyers who intend to use the jewelry for conditions like Arthritis, a better option would be Amber Bracelets. Also, the price of necklace can be almost two times higher. Hence for shoppers with lower budget, a better choice of Amber jewelry would be either anklet or bracelet.

Can Amber Teething Jewelry be chewed on?

No. As any type of jewelry, amber pieces contain small parts (beads). Hence they can be dangerous for little children and chewing on the beads can increase the chances that jewelry will get damaged and break. The beads in amber jewelry are always knotted from both sides. This feature provides extra security, because in an event of necklace or bracelet breaking, only a few beads would become loose.

In order to avoid child from chewing on the necklace, it is important to buy a correct length necklace. The most common recommendation is that there would be space for 2-3 fingers between child’s neck and necklace. If you notice that you child commonly chews on the necklace, you should remove it. In this case, it might be better to wait a few months until your child grows a little more.

How long do Amber Necklaces last for?

All Amber Jewelry can be worn for unlimited time and it does not have an expiration date. Also contrary to a popular belief, amber healing and other benefits doesn’t fade away within time.

Nevertheless, depending on how each jewelry piece is looked after, you might want to change it to a newer piece after some time. It happens commonly that amber necklaces and bracelets are exposed to various creams, soaps, heat, perfumes etc. When this happens, amber beads can become a bit brittle and less shiny. Also, as with any jewelry, it happens that separate parts of a piece can break down. Consequently, you would need to take it to the jeweler for fixing or buy a new one.

What is the best Baltic Amber color?

Typically, Amber is being distinguished into seven main colors. Some resources or sellers differentiate additional colors or shades of the main colors. All colors of this natural resin contain identical amounts of succinic accid. Due to this, there is no particular color of Amber that would provide additional health benefits.

Nevertheless, lighter colors like yellow (lemon) and milky (butter) tend to be more frequently recommended. The reason for this is that these shades are completely pure forms of Amber and they had not undergone heating procedures. Green color of Amber is also rarely heated, hence it is completely natural. Hence for buyers who prefer their jewelry to be as natural as possible the best choices are green, milky or lemon colors of Amber.

Can you leave Baltic Amber Teething Jewelry on at night?

No. It is recommended to remove all jewelry from children under 3 years old. This applies for all types of Amber jewelry – bracelets, necklaces, and anklets. In fact, younger children shouldn’t be left with jewelry at any time if they are not fully attended.

Many parents tend to ignore this advice, because they want to get more teething pain relief for their children. While this wish is completely understandable, children’s safety should always be the most important priority.

How does Baltic Amber Necklaces work?

Amber Jewelry is commonly promoted for its various health advantages. Adults wear it for pain relief benefits, and it is also believed to help teething children. Hence many wearers of this gemstone jewelry are wondering if it actually works for these purposes and how.

The main reasoning behind Amber healing properties is related to Succinic Acid. This mentioned compound is found inside the Amber at a percentage of 3-8%. One of Succinic Acid uses is as antibiotic, because it is known to have anti-inflammatory features. It is explained that once Amber jewelry is close to the skin, the warmth helps to release this acid. The main downside of this explanation is that it is unlikely that skin and amber stones contact is able to generate sufficient warmth for release of this acid.

Other possible reason why Amber can work effectively for healing and pain relief can be explained by placebo effect. Even though something doesn’t have therapeutic value, it can work effectively for healing when a person believes it. When your brain is convinced about effectiveness of a treatment, your body then can create chemistry that would be similar to actual medication effects.

Is Baltic Amber and it's Jewelry expensive?

The price of Baltic amber can vary widely, depending on the size, color, age and quality of the piece. Smaller, lower quality pieces may be relatively inexpensive, while larger, higher quality pieces can be quite expensive. In general, Baltic amber is considered to be a fairly expensive gemstone, especially when compared to more common materials like glass or plastic. Factors that can affect the price of Baltic amber include the rarity of the piece, the demand for amber in the market, and the cost of mining and processing the material.

What length Amber Jewelry Should I buy?

Selecting correct sizing for Amber jewelry can be a little tricky. This is because each type of jewelry can have different type of measurement guidelines. For instance, some bracelets are made on a string while others on wire or elastic band. Hence a wearer should read sellers size guidelines to avoid buying jewelry that is either too small or too big.

Necklaces. All necklaces sold at TipTopEco shop are made on polyester string. For children’s necklaces, it is typically recommended to measure the neck and add additional space for 2-3 fingers and beads (~0.5-1 cm). For adult jewelry the guidelines are similar. For the beads you should add ~1 cm (0.4”) and extra space. Some adults wear necklaces as chockers while others prefer longer pieces. Hence the extra space between neck and necklace can vary for different people. To determine your necklace size, it might be a good idea to use a string. You should make a sample necklace only from string and later measure its size.

Knotted Bracelets / Anklets. Selecting size for amber bracelets and anklets is easy. You need to measure your wrist or ankle and add ~0.5-0.75 cm (0.2-0.3”) extra space for amber beads. For example, if your wrist measures at 15.5 cm, you should select knotted bracelet at a size of 16 cm.

Bracelets on Elastic. Choosing correct size for stretch bracelets is easy, because they are slightly adjustable. Even if you don’t measure precisely, it is likely that the bracelet will fit your wrist. Nevertheless, it is still worthwhile to measure and avoid unnecessary returns. After measuring your wrist, it is recommended to add ~1 cm (0.4 inches) length additionally for beads.

Pendants. Typically, size guidelines are not necessary for pendants. However, if you will decide to purchase pendants from TipTopEco shop, we offer possibility to buy them with silver chains. Most wearers prefer pendants to be close to their neck. In this case it will be enough to add extra space only for 1-3 fingers. Of course, this suggestion will not apply for those who want the pendant to be closer to their chest.

Anklets / Bracelets with Sterling Silver. Silver anklets that we offer in our shops catalog come with additional chain. This chain allows wearers to adjust the size of the jewelry by up to 2 cm (0.8 inches). When measuring your ankle, do not forget to add ~0.5-0.75 cm (0.2”-0.3”). For bracelets with silver there are few additional silver rings included. They allow to increase the length by ~1 cm (0.4”). The same as anklets, it is necessary to add about 0.75 cm (0.3 inches) extra space for beads so that the bracelet would be suitable in size.