Amber and Hazelwood Necklaces

Hazelwood can provide many benefits to human body because it is effective acidity neutralizer. For this reason, it can help with conditions like migraines, constipation, digestion, eczema, nausea, acid reflux and arthritis. From the times of aboriginals, it was a common tradition to put hazelwood pieces close to children who where teething. Typically, a few chips of hazelwood were added to the necklace and put on a child neck. Word moved around, and today many families use hazelwood necklaces as a natural remedy for teething relief. It is very common for jewelry makers to combine hazelwood with Baltic Amber. This natural resin is also believed to help with teething, hence together they can provide even better results.

The most common variety of Hazelwood used in jewelry making is Corylus Cornuta. This variety grows locally in Canada (Quebec). There are additional seventeen varieties of this plant. It is unknown whether other types of Hazelwood have the same benefits as Cyrylus Conuta. Hence when selecting Hazelwood jewelry for health benefits, it might be better to select variety from Quebec. In TipTopEco catalog, all jewelry pieces with hazelwood feature Cyrylus Conuta.

All hazelwood trees are wild growing, which means that beads used in jewelry making are completely natural. Furthermore, using Hazelwood for jewelry making is completely sustainable. To prepare small size beads it is only necessary to cut the end of the branch. It does not affect the trees health negatively and it grows back in a short period of time.